Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Third Innings of My Career

I have started the third innings of my career from March 14th,2011. I was a bit nervous about my new job. Though the job is nothing but a General Administration, this gave me a feel of strangeness. I was going to work for an organization after running a business (Cyber Cafe) on my own since 2000. It is been 3 days and people here are very helpful and nice to me. Work space is little cramped. I have informed this to the concerned authorities and hoping it to be resolved soon. So far so good.

Thank you guys, for all the emotional support you gave me during this transition.

Luv u all
My Workplace
My Services
My Client - Patrick, The Great Speaker
My Client - Aditya, The Upcoming Scientist
My Client - Mark Peysha, Director of the Tony Robbins Films
My Client - Brian K. Gillman, Entrepreneur
My Client - Tobias Wegenast, Experiential Leadership Development
My Client - Karen Waksman, The Great Speaker
My Client - Sarah Tolson, Certified Financial Planner
My Client - Mike Mastracci, attorney and counselor at law
My Client - Jennifer Fink, a Certified Professional Photographer
My Client - Amy Alvis,estate planning
My Client - Kim McAtee, Realtor
My Client - Sean Coleman, entrepreneur, engineer, and social hacker
My Tweets